
       she, who dances with happiness

my latest mosaic project in Tuscany

I look back on an intense year in 2024, traveling with my bus, traveling and painting seminars and mosaic projects. After my almost eight-month tour from Andalusia to the fjords in Norway, via Italy and France, I landed back on the island of La Palma. In total, I drove almost 5,000 kilometers.

The climate is truly one of the best for spending the winter in the Canary Islands.

Shortly before the ferry crossing, there was a smaller mosaic in a bathroom in Andalusia.

In Italy: here is a small film impression:

painting workshop iin Umbria

The next painting workshop will take place in June 2025.

If you would like to follow me, please send me an email... then you will receive details of where I am... and I will add you to my newsletter.

to info@artemillia.de

My book:
She who dances with happiness
30 chapters about happiness-.......... You can look forward to it!
Stories from my life, how I ended up on La Palma and much more....
to order from me personally.


here is my YouTube channel

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